This is part of the makeover series of posts where i thumped and puffed my chest out and announced 'I'm a Bad Boy'.
Last time was about that disgusting smoking habit that i picked up. Now, the second part is about shaping myself up. You cannot be a "Bad Boy" and taken seriously if you look like a big drum of lard (Lookee....that is exactly how i look right this minute). I was always seriously overweight, i had never been even moderately plump in my entire 23 years of existence. I can blame it on genes, or a medical condition, or any other of a thousand possible excuses that i care to put the blame on.
But, the truth is...... i am just plain lazy.
I am a lazy ass and a chronic procrastinator. This is how i had always been. Throw in a propensity to wolf down large quantities of junk food and singularly unhealthy eating habits, and there you have it..... a recipe for disaster that is bound to succeed. On top of it, my profession also contributes to my extremely sedentary lifestyle. I am a Freelance Graphic & Web Designer working out of my home office. There, now you see it. My entire lifestyle is at fault.
In the past, i had joined a couple of gyms on account of my father's insistence. But i just did not have the motivation and the sincerity to follow a dedicated weight loss regimen. I am weak willed when it comes to food and exercise. So much so that my father, a Diabetes & Cardiac Specialist Doctor (the two conditions overweight people are most susceptible to), got fed up and left me alone. Being the son of a Diabetes & Cardiac Care Specialist, i had a wealth of material available to me. Scientifically, Medically proven and tried & true information on being overweight and all the health complications it leads to. I had pages and pages of material, books, magazines, and hundreds of gigabytes of the same. I had also been given tried & tested weight loss kits designed by top medical conglomerates to help me map and schedule a working slimming regimen. But what did i do ? I kept them all aside and ignored them completely. At risk of repeating myself.....
I just did not care.
I did not see it even when my XL size clothes weren't fitting me. But then, when my work started to get affected, I realized i had to do something, i had no choice but to get my act together. I had lost a couple of projects due to me being lazy and not delivering it on time. It is then i realized that there is no other choice, but to do what i had always shirked from.
I had to go on a weight loss regimen......and stick to it.
Now, the best way to lose all that fat is to huff, puff and sweat in buckets. A Strenous aerobic activity like walking, running or aerobics is the key. Since i had become very shy to go outside in this body, i did the next best thing. I bought myself a treadmill. It is a motorized foldable model, it has the inclinations, the vibrators, the pedometers, all the works. It cost me quite a bundle, the cost of this beauty is Rs.27,000/- . I also got some Resistance bands and some free weights also, a couple of dumbells.My father, the good doctor, has told me that he will get big ol' me a multi-station gym if i so much as use the treadmill regularly and stick to a working weight loss regimen sincerely. He assured me that he will get me the multi station if i so much as show a weight loss of at least 5KGs. Now that is a more than fair deal to get me motivated. At last, i have put together an 8 month weight loss plan to lose a target weight of 15 kilos. It is a most definite and possible target to achieve and i have promised myself a reward later on. It is always extremely hard at first, but i am willing myself to stick to my weight loss regimen. I am confident that this time around, i will succeed in what i have failed before.
I can hear you telling "Yeah right, you fat slob."
Let us wait and see.
yours truly,
[1:01 pm
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