Rekha just came back from Hyderabad, after being gone for a very long 2 week vacation. I was very happy to see her yesterday at her house, I had been waiting for her return, no, scratch that! I had been lusting for her return. No, not because she is absolutely fucking beautiful, that she is, I tell you. I believe that she can make even God follow her around like a lovesick puppy. By all that is holy, that woman shouldn't be allowed to show her face in public: her beauty is a menace to society. Whew! I've gotten far off the point already, haven't I ?

For the first time in my life, I was not interested in a woman, supernatural beauty or otherwise. I was in desire for what she brought back from Hyderabad. Two weeks ago, when she left for her vacation, she promised me that she would bring a big batch of Pootharekulu for me. You see, her grandma, who is something of a cooking legend in her vast-enough-to-fill-a-small-country family, makes some of the best Pootharekulu in the world. And I'm not exaggerating this time.

Continue reading more about Pootharekulu and the full recipe for it at the DeliciouslyD blog...

yours truly, RA