Now that all the excitement over the passing away of Abishek R'Nath has ebbed out, it is the time to make sure that all traces of that said person is done away with.
What better occasion for that than Bhogi ?
This festival is all about getting rid of the old and ushering in the new. So, in the spirit of Bhoghi, all effects of the late Abishek has been cast out, burned, torn up, pulverized.....whatever you may call it. There is nothing that remains of the old Abishek r'Nath.
So, during this period of transition, RA has something to say - and what he said was,
"Have no fear, RA is here."
it is a God-only-knows-how-many-times used cliche, but it suits the occasion rather perfectly, don't you think ?
[2:29 pm
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