Today i thought i should make a long delayed effort to sort my room. You know, employ the "Kaizen" principles for improving the efficiency of my little abode. Jeez, there is a whole lot of junk in there, so much that........well i can't think of an example now.
Anyway, i was going through all the boxes and other stuff when i came across some old issues of Reader's Digest. Now, Reader's Digest is one of the magazines that i like most, mainly on account of it having some really good content and not just fillers and useless junk. I like to read the "True Story" section, the people featured are very inspiring. Well, as i went through them, i was remembered a this-is-a-real-story account of a rather well known scientist. A scientist who was born blind. I will not go into the details, it is not needed now. I don't seem to remember the name of that scientist, but i clearly remember one thing about him. The thing is, there was one statement made by that Scientist when he was a little boy, around 10 years old. It was his reply to a question asked of him by his parents.
He said, "Yes, God is great. But so am I."
Such a simple statement, but so much powerful. It shows the sheer gumption and the amount of confidence that the boy had in himself at that tender age, when he was born blind and had no guarantee that he will gain the ability to see one day. That boy is now a world renowned man of science who has made a great deal of contribution to his chosen field.
yours truly, The RA
[8:46 pm
Yes.. that's a powerful statement.. it really is. Thanks for the inspiring post! From now on "god is great, and so am I" for me as well.
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