I happened to glance on the above news snippet just a few days back in 'The Hindu'. This assault/robbery attempt on this woman is not particularly new news, and it isn't surprising either. Statistics reveal that a robbery or mugging attempt on an individual takes place once every 5 minutes. And a good 80% of those are carried out when the assailant is armed in some way.

This is the time when my internal light bulb chooses to switch on. This is when I realized how poorly adapted people are when they face such a harmful situation. Such a person, it does not matter if they are male or female, are completely at the mercy of their assailant or perpetrator. They can't do anything because they do not know how to respond. This is a major reason why every person - man, woman or child should learn how to respond appropriately and adapt quickly as and when such a situation presents itself. This is paramount. There are no two ways about it. One cannot always be dependent on others for one's safety, and this includes the good people in our law enforcement agencies. Even they cannot be expected to protect to protect each and every person out there, all the time. We really should learn to defend ourselves, as much as possible, to the best of our abilities.

That is all well and good, but what exactly are you suggesting we do ?
You may ask. Read on, I shall tell you.

Naturally, the first thing one will assume is to learn some kind of fighting technique, and in almost all cases, the spectre of Martial Arts looms large right ahead. We all assume that it is enough if we are trained in a Martial Art discipline to some proficient level. It is natural to have the belief that all will be well and good when we have the confidence that we can throw out a high kick or a punch that Mr.Lee or Mr.Chan would be proud of.

But it is only the first step.

yours truly,


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