This is a really good advert for the Singapore Breast Cancer society, that seeks to spread awareness of Breast Cancer. By 'really good', I mean that, though the 'advice' slipped in this advert may seem a bit offensive to some women, nobody can deny the truth in it. I believe it.
Watch it and find out for yourself.
Examine - For more funny movies, click here
This is an older advert for the Adidas - Impossible is nothing campaign.
The crux of this advert is that if a whole army cannot stop the man wearing Adidas, then truly, Impossible is nothing. A very cool ad, seems Adidas is sticking to its strategy of creating , exaggerated, big budget, over-hyped advertisements to push good, but still ordinary products instead of using at least a portion of that money to bring down the prices. It is a shame, really.
Impossible Is Nothing - Click here for the most popular videos
You know, the superstar of Tamil Cinema, Rajinikanth, or Rajini as he is popularly known as, is the undisputed king and Superstar of the Box Office. Everybody in Cutout-Nadu (Tamilnadu) knows this, and the man has the impact of a Demi-God in the state. Yes, this is the most obvious statement one can possibly utter.
But there are some unknown facts and abilities about Thala* Rajini that has remained largely under wraps. Here it is, the ultimate scoop on the powers and abilities of the Superstar !!!
1. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Rajnikant has allowed to live.
2. Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Rajnikant.
3. Rajnikant counted to infinity – twice.
4. When Rajnikant does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.
5. Rajnikant is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
6. Rajnikant doesn't wear a watch; HE decides what time it is.
7. Rajnikant gave Mona Lisa that smile.
8. Rajnikant can slam a revolving door.
9. There are no races, only countries of people Rajnikant has beaten to different shades of black and blue.
10. Rajnikant's house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
11. Rajnikant can divide by zero.
12. Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Rajnikant turnaround kick.
13. When taking the GRE, write "Rajnikant" for every answer. You will score over 1600.
14. Rajnikant has 12 moons. One of those moon s is the Earth.
15. Rajnikant grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
16. An old English dictionary dating back to 1236. It defined "victim" as "one who has encountered Rajnikant"
17. If you Google search "Rajnikant getting kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.
18. Rajnikant can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds.
19. Rajnikant doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
20. It takes Rajnikant 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
21. The Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Rajnikant kicked one of the corners off.
22. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, because Rajnikant lives in Chennai.
23. Rajnikant once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.
24. James Cameron wanted Rajnikant to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
25. Thousands of years ago Rajnikant came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its descendants now have white hair .

* Affectionate term for Leader
Disclaimer: This is a harmless, humorous take on Mr.Rajinikanth and is not intended to hurt him or his fans in any way.
Actually that isn't true. Actually I don't care how they feel about it. This is a piece of parody, thats about it. This article 'Rajinikanth: The True Superhero' was compiled as a result of several email forwards.
This is sort of a continuation of my earlier post about my dislike to a caste based comment on the Tamil Talk show, Neeya Naana on the Star Vijay channel (read A Beautiful Girl, a Disgusting Comment). On that, I had ranted on how disgusting and offensive I found that comment made by that beautiful girl to be. While what that girl said was not becoming of decent human behavior, there was another young woman who drew my respect and admiration.
In a land where, in spite of its 'great progress', flouting tradition and custom is shunned like the plague, black, even when it is a matter of personal like/dislike and which does not have a bearing on any one or any thing else. And the few who dare to go ahead and do it anyway are treated as if they have the plague by a rather sizable section of this 'Progressive Society'. On national television, this wonderful woman has expressed her personal opinion, that was a public snob to a supposedly important aspect (I believe it is not that important) of an Indian Wedding ritual.
What the heck did she say ?
When the host of the show put forth a question, and the question was: If she had a choice, which one aspect of the Indian Wedding ritual would she not undergo ? And the young woman shot back curtly that, if she had a choice, she would refuse the Thaali (Mangalsutra) to be tied around her neck. She said it with such confidence and conviction that I believe this was not an attention seeking comment on television and that she will do exactly as she had proclaimed.
What do you think happened ?
What else could have happened? The other people on the show were shocked into silence, and the look on the face of the show's host looked like he did not know whether to be as shocked as everyone else, or to smile. It was literally as still as a graveyard for quite some time. No one knew how to respond while the lady who uttered this shock-inducing statement was sporting a knowing smile on her lips. And then the voices started squeaking, one by one.
As expected, the people in the parents side responded as if they were terribly offended. They said the girl was very disrespectful towards her religion and traditions and that they would never accept such a girl into their family. That bold young woman couldn't care less, and it was at that moment she seemed to me like she was the most beautiful woman in the world. If she actually does what she said on national television, she would have my eternal respect. If she does not, then I still admire her for being courageous enough to speak her mind in front of the whole nation.
We definitely need more people like her.
There is a show on TV that I like very much, it is called 'Neeya Naana'. It happens to be a south Indian, more specifically, Tamil Talk/Debate show where the participants, everyday individuals like you and me talk, discuss and argue their heads off on everyday issues and concerns of the common man. This show 'Neeya Naana' premieres on STAR VIJAY (of the STAR Asia Network) every Sunday at 21:00.
A full review of the show will be featured on Popcorn & Cola soon.
Well, a couple of weeks back, the topic was on South Indian Marriages: the different aspects of it, the customs, traditions, people and the million other things that are associated with Indian Marriages. The opposing teams were: Parents on one side and their Children on the other side. And by children, I mean legal age and above. As expected most of the participants stuck to being conservative, but there were more than a handful of radical views, on both sides. But when the host asked a question relating to caste, it started. Religion and Caste are always sensitive issues for the fools who give it significance, and for ME, the mere mention of it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I attach more importance to an ant carrying a crystal of sugar than to religion.
The Question:
Would YOU marry a person who is not of your caste ?
There was a girl among the talkers who was very, very beautiful, and I could not tear my eyes off her. She mentioned she was a pucca Iyer girl, and it was more than evident in the way she talked. She was very guarded and somewhat conservative, in her views. And I kept gazing at her and mentally urging the camera to focus on her and her alone. Hey! come on.... she was breathtaking! Who can blame me ?
All that shattered in an instant due to a comment of hers. She wasn't so beautiful after when I heard that comment made by her. She said that she felt blessed, privileged even to have been born in her caste. And the way she said it, made it clear that it was not an off handed comment.
What the friggin' hell is up with that ?
Why do otherwise decent people feel the need to favor their own caste or religion over others ? Where is the god-damned need for that ?
It is not a blessing or a privilege to be a part of a community. There is nothing to feel blessed in that. Getting a chance to make the world around you better, in whatever way possible. Now that is a blessing, a privilege in more ways than one.
If it was left up to me, people like her would be publicly humiliated on national television, then and there, and made to do community service among the more deserving sections of society. My actual judgment cannot be written on a blog, nevertheless the very passing of such comments should be treated as a crime and dealt with as such, with no mercy.
A vision of beauty she was, but this one disgusting comment made her look downright ugly.