I hate that line above. I thought I could never "Hate" something or somebody, but I was wrong. I hate the above line and also those who utter it to the very core of my being, whoever it may be.

What is it with such people ?
Well, I can understand why they feel such an affinity for that particular phrase. Being that they lead such pathetic existences, I don't feel the need as to why such people have to inflict their sense of being rock bottom upon others. I usually don't even bother to respond to such low lifes, but when my father is a part of them, it is a bit sad. not that i am showing any partiality towards him, he is a low life too, he has always been, i have realised it only now.

Many do not realise the damage that the above phrase does to people who otherwise would go on to succeed. But then, i guess it is a part of life to overcome such deep trenches of pessimism and do what you are meant to do.

yours truly,